<aside> 📌 This is the code I've used to add a CSS Scale hover effect on a Carrd.co website.


Step 1

Add a classname the element you want to animate on hover. To do this, go to the Settings tab (cog icon) when editing the element, then find the Classes field. Let's assume you use the class name "animate" for this.

Step 2

Add the following CSS in an Embed section, set as Hidden, in Head:

.animate {transition: transform .2s;}
.animate:hover {transform: scale(1.05);}


If you use a different class name in Step 1, change ".animate" to what you’re using, in the code above).

This procedure could be used for other CSS animation effects by changing the word "scale" in the code to another (see list).

@markbowley | extrasfor.carrd.co

Updated: Nov 2020

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