Motivation: Universal internet access, remains an unattained reality for many. The absence of these marginalized voices in crucial debates, where impactful decisions about our digital and embodied lives are made, compromises the effectiveness of Internet governance. Inclusion of these perspectives is imperative for a more comprehensive and robust governance framework. I'm originally from Brazil and have better understanding of the socioeconomic problems that happen there: approximately 20% of the nation's population lacks Internet access, a majority of whom are living in extreme poverty. Notably, 68% of these individuals reside in rural locations. Nonetheless, other nations face incredibly more dire circumstances. Only approximately 14% of Somalia's population and around 11% of South Sudan's have Internet access. This is a trend that can be observed across various African countries. Internet is a resource that cannot be regarded as a luxury; rather, it serves as a critical asset for individuals, particularly in economically challenged areas. It enables commerce in contexts where traditional economic systems are compromised, provides diverse sources of information for current events, and offers opportunities for skill development and cultural exchange. How are we to build fair global governance structures when almost 3 billion people around the world don't have access to the internet?