<aside> ✨ Hold all requirements, product context and important links in one place. See more templates or buy the whole workflow at mapo.team 😎


The minimum viable brief to start on designs: A, C & E.

Design File:

Design System:

Important Links:



Contractor Email:

Figma URL

Figma URL

e.g. Lo-fi’s, existing designs

Start Date – Finish Date

1 - 5

Your Email

Feature Name

<aside> <img src="/icons/activity_gray.svg" alt="/icons/activity_gray.svg" width="40px" /> A. Goal – What do you want to achieve with this design?


My goal is to…

<aside> <img src="/icons/brightness-high_gray.svg" alt="/icons/brightness-high_gray.svg" width="40px" /> B. Why – Why are we making this change?


  1. A user struggles with understanding how our [feature_name] feature works because…
  2. We’re building this new feature because…