<aside> 🔭 Marc-Antoine Miville-Deschênes, CNRS, AIM, CEA-Saclay, Paris-Saclay University, France


Physical Properties of Molecular Clouds for the Entire Milky Way Disk

Miville-Deschênes, Murray and Lee, 2017, ApJ, 834, 57

Data used in this analysis

In this study we used the 12CO (J 1→0) data of the Galactic plane described in Dame, Hartmann & Thaddeus (2001). Specifically, we used the composite survey labeled Whole Galaxy "Deep" Cube (restricted to b ± 5°), available here


  1. The products provided here are the result of a Gaussian decomposition of the 12CO (J 1→0) Dame et al. (2001) data cube, followed by a clustering procedure to identify structures coherent in position-position-velocity (PPV) space. These products depend on the specific implementation of these two steps, and on the choice of their respective parameters. The PPV identification process is known to be challenging, due to the difficulty to isolate structures in the multi-scale ISM and to the crowding of the emission in velocity caused by the Sun's position inside the rotating Galactic disk. The clouds identified here should only be taken for what they are : coherent structures in PPV.
  2. The products found on this page differ slightly from the one distributed in the original paper. First, two small astrometry errors were found after publication. They do not modify the figures, analysis and conclusions of the paper in any significant way. Secondly the catalog provided with the published paper included only clouds for which a kinematic distance could be estimated. These clouds correspond to 89% of the total CO emission, while the whole cloud dataset contains 98% of the emission.
  3. This page provides a corrected version of the original catalog as well as some additional products. The catalog provided here contains 9710 clouds, including the 8107 clouds previously published, and 1603 more that complement the description of the observed CO emission. Clouds for which a kinematic distance could not be estimated do not have mass, density and physical size estimates. For these clouds, distance-related quantities are put to -32768.
  4. In addition to the extended cloud catalog, this page provides a series of products that can be used to reproduce the catalog or conduct other analysis
    1. The whole Gaussian dataset used to described the CO emission.
    2. An archive of all 9710 reconstructed CO emission cubes, one per cloud
    3. 2D maps of the number of clouds and the number of Gaussian on each line of sight.
    4. A reconstruction of the whole 12CO data cube, only based on the Gaussian components.
    5. A cube providing the list of Cloud ID at each sky position
  5. The files found on this page are also available on Dataverse : https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QR9CFW.

Cloud catalog

12/2020 : an error in the coordinates of the cloud catalog has been identified (GLAT is offset by one beam = 7.5 arcmin, and the central velocity is offset by one channel = 1.3 km/s). The version 3 products were corrected for this error. It is the current version.

Extended cloud catalog containing 9710 clouds, of which 8246 clouds have a distance estimate (kinematic distance method). Because of the correction of an astrometry error, the number of clouds with a distance estimate has increased (it was 8107 in the original catalog).

