<aside> <img src=" " alt=" " width="40px" /> $Today$


<aside> ☞ Filter: "Deadline" "Is" "Today"


<aside> <img src=" " alt=" " width="40px" /> $Week$


<aside> ☞ To make the weekly view work correctly you need to give each task in the calendar a day in "Weekday" and a number in "Calendar Week". For example the first week of the year would be "1". You can check which week it is here.


<aside> ☞ Group by: Weekday and Filter: "Calendar Week" "=" "Change number to whatever the current week is"


<aside> ☞ Feel free to delete the week view if you don't need it.


<aside> <img src=" " alt=" " width="40px" /> $Calendar$


<aside> ☞ This is the original database. To make the whole page look cleaner I made the title blank by simply inserting a space where the title is, but you can change it to anything you like.


<aside> <img src=" " alt=" " width="40px" /> $Upcoming$


<aside> ☞ Filter: "Type" "Does Not Contain" "Meeting" and "Deadline" "Is After" "Today"


<aside> ☞ Filter: "Type" "Does Contain" "Meeting"


<aside> ✌︎ Made by A Notion Of / Magdalena Buskies
