Medical Developers are developing Luscii programs for a wide array of disease areas. In order to differentiate Luscii Programs from each other and/or to make them more appealing, Luscii can award badges to Programs:

  1. Luscii Labs: a badge for every Program ‘in the making’. The program is not usable yet because it is still in development or being refined. People that are interested in this Program can show interest and in some cases can even help with development and/or co-develop.
  2. Luscii Special: a badge for a Program that is reviewed by the Medical Board and adheres to some extra special guidelines including at least one peer-reviewed scientific publication.

For generic information about Luscii Programs, the differentiation between Labs, Specials and normal Programs, when you will receive 70% share and more, find here the generic Medical Developer Guidelines for creating Luscii Programs and adding them to the Luscii Library.

Library Guidelines

When is a Luscii program considered a Luscii Special?

<aside> 🔎 A program is a Luscii Special if it is approved by the Medical Board as a Luscii Special according to the Luscii Special Criteria.


Published Studies

Please find a list of all published studies within Luscii.

Untitled Database

Tips and trick to start your research

We like to stress that the hospital is in the lead for research and as Luscii we (can) assist, therefore we have created a tricks and tips page below:

How to Start your Research