Time to create a clear set of personal short and long term goals so you can see exactly where you are on your progress path. Stay true to your plans and get them out of your head and down where they're actionable. We'll be referring back to your goals sheet throughout your training, so keep this page updated.

It's often easier to start with a big vision and work backwards into manageable chunks. Focus on specific, SMART statements that clarify your next steps. SMART goals are:

E.g., From January 1st to December 31st, I want to accurately estimate and schedule at least five projects

Keep these goals updated and change them as your life or career changes.

It's the best way to track the path you want to walk and give you the progress feedback you need to keep moving.

How to create your short and long term goals:

Aim to create no more than 3–5 goal cards per check-in.

  1. Create a card for your first check-in and title it (e.g., Increase average project value)
  2. Click on the card and categorize it (Clients/customers, Expertise etc.)
  3. Click on 'Goal name' to apply the goal template
  4. Write a short term and long term goal for each goal card. Make sure you've written a SMART goal (e.g., Short-term: From now till July 20xx, we will increase our average project value by 2%; Long-term: From 2020–2023, we'll increase our average project value by 10%)

Before each check-in, you'll recalibrate and write updated goals.

Your trainer will review these with you and your sponsor during each check-in.

You over estimate what you can do in one year, but drastically underestimate what you can do in 3–5. β€”Rob Leadley, CPA

Psst: This is a great reference for creating actionable goals

Forget About Setting Goals. Focus on This Instead.

My smart goals