
We're given with the .raw file.


Based on the challenge instruction, we should find 3 thing from the file.

  1. url that be used to download a malware
  2. malicious PID
  3. attacker's IP

After analyzing the file, i know that this is a virtual memory file. We can use tools such as volatility to help us analyzing the memory.

First, we need to find a profile that match with the vile.

python2 volatility/vol.py -f honeypot.raw imageinfo


I use the first profile recommendation, Win7SP1x86_23418.

We can cmdline to seeing the process and the command.

python2 volatility/vol.py -f honeypot.raw --profile=Win7SP1x86_23418 cmdline

From there, we can see malicious command that run on the machine with the PID.
