<aside> 🐰 The Easter School holidays are upon us, and despite so much trauma happening around the world, you have to somehow wonder if this is a way of telling us to reconnect with our families...👩‍👧‍👦 We aren’t rushing to work, to school, to football, to dancing.. we aren’t rushing dinner or bath time or bed time. Now is a time to spend quality time with our family, and our children, whether that's helping them to do school work, or go out for our 1 form of exercise and making the most of it! We can take time to plan our lunches and dinners, and the whole family can enjoy being involved!

Yes, as families we all may still argue at times, but there are moments where the family will be so happy that it makes us realise that we should use this time to strengthen our family bonds. Life will get back to normal and the crazy routine will come back sooner than you think. Here's a guide to help support building those meaningful family moments!


<aside> 📌 This is a working doc, put together by LocalGlobe & Latitude, that we'll keep adding to it over time. Please leave comments and suggestions throughout the document, if you think there's great content we should be adding in!

Last updated: 27/03/2020


Thanks To 🙏🏿

<aside> 🐰 A lot of Friends & Family of LocalGlobe and Latitude were kind enough to share their best working practices with us over the past couple of weeks, so that we could share out with the wider community! Special thanks to: Ian @ Moshi Twilight; Alex @ Kano, Ed @ Curiscope; Ziv, Eleonore & Emma @ LocalGlobe, and mum of 2 Rachel Simpson!


Table Of Contents 🗓

Creating Meaningful Family Moments 👪

Now is as good of a time as any to create moments that connect your family and build healthy, deep, meaningful relationships between one another. Parent.com has some great recommendations on how to do so. We've pulled out our favourite suggestions below, and we've added some practical steps on how to bring them to life. It takes some effort, but the guides below will make family planning at home just that little bit easier.

Family Dinners, Cook and Eat together: There are a tremendous number of benefits to eating dinner as a family. Parents that are better at listening to their children in the early years, will find that their children are better at communicating with them in their adolescence. Other benefits include lower chance of obesity, and higher self esteem for your little ones. Here's a suggested format:

  1. Get a list of recipes (Good to Know is one of thousands of online free resources for family cooking).
  2. Assign everyone in your family an age-appropriate task. Big knives go to the adults
  3. Peel, chop, slice, mix, bake, and then of course eat to create delicious memories.

Have family member in a remote location that you'd like to share a meal with? Pre-plan what time you will be sitting down to eat, and use a tool such as Zoom, FaceTime or WhatsApp to call the family member in at the right time!

Host a Family Sports Event: It doesn't matter if you're not the type of family to play rounders in the park. Sports events come in all shapes and sizes and are an amazing way to teach the younger gen about playing by the rules, and ending a game gracefully whether you win or lose. Here's a suggested format:

  1. Set your boundaries. Are you lucky enough to have a garden? If not, an internal sports day can still be epic! Indoor games can include a scavenger hunts or art projects.