Team Goals and Business Objectives

Allow our customers to improve their customers experience by providing their customers with useful, relevant dashboards.

Background and Strategic Fit

Part of our core product value is helping B2B sellers be the "best to do business with." One way sellers can provide this additional "ease of doing business" value is to provide their buyers with information.

We should make it easy for our customers to provide helpful information to their buyers.





These widgets can be scoped to the user, showing data across all the accounts they are a member of or can manage, or to a specific account.

  1. Orders Over Time (Line) Monthly time period; can set the date to last last 6 months, last 12 months, year to date, or all time. Each widget can be configured to show orders or order amount. Each widget is instance-able.

    1. Orders (number of orders)
    2. Order amount

    <aside> 💡 If the forecast service is installed, it should be also "unlock" the forecast functionality


  2. Top 5 Products Ordered Over Time (Line) Monthly time period; can set the date to last last 6 months, last 12 months, year to date, or all time. Each widget can be configured to show units or product amounts. Each widget is instance-able.

    1. Units (number of product units ordered)
    2. Product amount

    <aside> 💡 If the forecast service is installed, it should be also "unlock" the forecast functionality


  3. Top 5 Categories Ordered Over Time (Line) Monthly time period; can set the date to last last 6 months, last 12 months, year to date, or all time. Each widget can be configured to show units or product amount. Each widget is instance-able.

    1. Units (number of product units ordered)
    2. Product amount

    <aside> 💡 If the forecast service is installed, it should be also "unlock" the forecast functionality


  4. Spending Metrics (Plain 'ol Numbers) Can set the date to this month, last 3 months, last 6 months, last 12 months, year to date, or all time. Single widget

    1. Orders (number of orders)
    2. Order amount
    3. Average order size
  5. Orders by Status (Plain 'ol Numbers) Number of orders in each status. Single widget

    1. Draft (Approval Status)
    2. Pending (Approval Status)
    3. Approved (Approval Status)
    4. Placed (Order Status)
  6. Open Orders Display 3 open orders, sorted by modified date (descending) and provide a link to Open Orders