Information opens access to financial capital and the financial capital markets will drive to measure and capitalize everything; Finance is an accounting methodology that loves to colonize everything it can .. especially data

Information and social capital become relatively more valuable than financial capital

Everything becomes a service for businesses and consumers; Gusto, Uber, etc - money and data can be shared efficiently, Variable cost lifestyle on the consumer side

Everyone who works codes; Notion, retool app - If it isn't a full service you are building it yourself

Platforms consolidate which creates pressure on speech and regulation

Niches are larger than you think because the world is larger than you think

Data is worthless in isolation and massively valuable in aggregation

Western search for functional differentiation from the Chinese model of the future

The government can't get out of it's own way but can't be fooled twice

The internet consolidated power to a point .. but then there is back pressure - everything comes in waves