What to expect from this Notion document?


There are tons of ways to find new customers. Whether it’s paid ads, influencer marketing, SEO, Affiliate etc…

But if you start with nothing - can you even do it?

In this chapter, I’m gonna debunk a myth that to find customers, you need hundreds of thousands of dollars and show you the ways to find your first customers when you don’t have any budget.

If you don’t know me, in the last 6 years, I built 6 businesses doing more than $57M in total revenue


In parallel, l also sold one business after growing it to $600k in ARR in 18 months,

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Acquired several businesses for multi-million-dollar deals

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Tom Jacquesson on LinkedIn: We sold Taplio | 122 comments

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Tibo on Twitter / X

And in 2021 I also sold 20% of my company for $30m in cash.