What I can do with this integration

With the Droyd <> lemlist integration, you will be able to create metrics using the data from your sales automation tool, and schedule automatic reports and updates on your campaign performance.

How to connect to lemlist?

  1. In Droyd, go to the Integrations page and then New app.

  2. Click on lemlist → Connect.

  3. Add your lemlist API key. You can fetch it in lemlist, under https://app.lemlist.com/settings/integrations


  4. Test your API key in Droyd and Save. that's it.


lemlist metrics are based on your campaigns.

To create metrics using the lemlist integration, go to metrics, then new metric.

Select the campaign you want to get reports on, then choose the KPI (sent, opened, replied and more).


Once you've created your metrics, add them into a report and schedule them to Slack!

<aside> 💡 Learn more about reports and metrics.


You can also combine data with other sources such as your CRM.

Here's an example of a report in Slack:
