What’s in this issue of The Double Loop?

Teach to Reach 9 attracted 17 662 registrants for online plenaries and one-on-one networking in mirrored anglophone and francophone sessions. Topics discussed in plenary and networking sessions included:

This issue of The Double Loop shares participants' feedback after Teach to Reach 9 on how plenaries and networking sessions had interested and surprised them, as well as their own practical experiences relating to what they heard during the event.

Access over 1000 more health professional insights:

Insights shared by Anglophone registrars prior to Teach to Reach 9:


Insights shared by Francophone registrars prior to Teach to Reach 9: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10065921

Sharing your experience and insights

Your experience and insights help other members of the Movement for IA2030. Follow the link at the end of each section to share your comments and feedback.

If you are a donorpartner, or researcher interested in these insights, we encourage you to share your thoughts or write directly to Ian Steed, Insights Unit Editor.

<aside> ✅ Learn more about why we are asking you to share your thoughts and what we may do with what you share. See what your colleagues are sharing
