<aside> 💡 This page has been created to support you, our wonderful leaders, when answering questions that might be on the minds of your team members as you have a starting point conversation.


<aside> 💡 Think about how you can help them target their development areas so when they're ready to move to their next milestone on the framework, they have the backup of evidence and experience to showcase this.


<aside> 💡 Keep in mind that some people may have a strong emotional attachment to their job titles and will be protective of it.

Reassure them. But, explain when this might change and what will happen with new hires.


<aside> 💡 Reassure your team member that their base salary is safe from going down if they ask.


<aside> 💡 People may confuse this with a performance rating.

You may have to work hard to make it clear with your team member that the framework describes what is expected from their role, whereas the performance rating describes the assessment of how well they're actually doing that in practice.

How they perform in their role will be assessed using the upcoming process.


<aside> 💡 Encourage your team member to share why they feel that the role they are in should be positioned differently but please share how the roles were calibrated by you and PX.


<aside> 💡 Focus on the positives, and reassure them you’ll work with them to close the gap to the next level moving forward.


<aside> 💡 As managers, the focus is not to justify why other team members are positioned elsewhere on the framework - but it's an easy trap to fall into!

We encourage you to shift the focus back onto the team member you're having the conversation with.


<aside> 💡 In later conversations with your team member they may share another role either in their own team or elsewhere that they want to work toward, help them to gain experience and develop.

Don't forget to also focus on where they are today and how they can smash it!
