I’ve noticed our naming has become inconsistent over time and I want to formalize some naming so we can create consistency across the entire stack (Solidity, TS, etc.). Once formalized, we can update naming everywhere (including protocol events, etc.).


type KeyName = string;
type Key = Record<KeyName, StaticAbiPrimitiveType>;
type KeyTuple = StaticAbiPrimitiveType[];
type KeySchema = Record<KeyName, StaticAbiType>;

type FieldName = string;
type FieldValue = SchemaAbiPrimitiveType;
type Value = Record<FieldName, FieldValue>;
type ValueSchema = Record<FieldName, SchemaAbiType>;

type TableId = Hex; // bytes32

// Record is a key/value pair
type TableRecord = {
  key: Key;
  value: Value;

type Table = {
  tableId: TableId;
  keySchema: KeySchema;
  valueSchema: ValueSchema;
  records: TableRecord[];
library Table {
  setRecord(key1, key2, TableData value);
  setRecord(key1, key2, fieldValue1, fieldValue2);
  setFieldName(key1, key2, fieldValue);
	deleteRecord(key1, key2);


MUD framework

Store and World are moving away from namespace/name as a built-in concept and instead delegating that responsibility to an access control module/hook via a bytes32 resource ID. The default access control module, provided by the MUD framework (along with MUD config, codegen, sync) will use a namespace and tableName (packed into the bytes32) to represent tables in config, on-chain, and in the indexer.

import { Table as StoreTable } from 'store';

type Namespace = string; // bytes14
type TableName = string; // bytes16

type Table = StoreTable & {
  namespace: Namespace;
  tableName: TableName;

export default mudConfig({
  // top-level tables default to the root namespace
  tables: {
    SomeTable: {
      keySchema: {
        x: "uint32",
        y: "uint32",
      valueSchema: {
        player: "address",
bytes32 tableId = ResourceSelector.from(namespace, tableName);

Similarly, systems use a combination of namespace and systemName for their resource ID and for access control.

