This page contains public data for the peer-reviewed publication:

Rachel E. O'Brien and Jesse H. Kroll (2019); Photolytic Aging of Secondary Organic Aerosol: Evidence for a Substantial Photo-Recalcitrant Fraction; Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 10:4003-4009. link to paper

These data files are intended as additional supplementary information for this publication. If you would like to use any data herein in a publication, please contact the corresponding author, Rachel O'Brien ([email protected]) first.


Three different experiments were run with three different initial organic and/or seed concentrations. Experiments labeled “a” were all run with lights on and the experiments labeled “b” were duplicate experiments run with the lights off. The experiments are listed in decreasing initial Org/SO4 instead of chronological order to match Figure 1 in the text. A table of names/experiment dates is provided below for reference.

Exp Date light/dark

1a 3/19/16 lights

1b 3/26/16 dark

2a 4/08/16 lights

2b 4/15/16 dark

3a 2/26/16 lights

3c 3/04/16 dark

Data files available:

  1. Individual experiment logs: these text files list the events with time stamps for each experiment.
  2. Chamber data: this is the raw data from the chamber and includes the datalog (date, time, Ozone, NO, NOx, T, RH, pressure) as well as SMPS data. Computer crashes during runs caused breaks in the data sets so multiple files are present. The data files have been combined into one file for each experiment (data log and SMPS separate).
  3. Processed data: text files listing the experiment time (in minutes, starting at 0), the AMS high resolution Org and sulfate (SO4) quantification, the O/C, and the H/C for each time point. This is the raw data that is used for the figures in the manuscript.
  4. Igor files (.pxp) for the individual figures: these files are the data that were used to generate each figure listed by figure in the manuscript.
  5. Text files (.txt) for the individual figures: these files are the numerical data used to generate the experimental data for each figure listed by figure in the manuscript.