AI Art Residency: Participating Artists

AI Art Residency Application Process

Onboarding AIR

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Welcome to the MØTLEYKRÜG AI Artist in Residency Program, an initiative designed to nurture creativity, innovation, and collaboration among artists and technology professionals. Our program provides a unique opportunity for artists to explore, develop, and showcase their talents within an engaging and supportive community.


Our Vision

At MØTLEYKRÜG, we believe in the power of collaboration and innovation. Our Artist in Residency Program is designed to act as a melting pot of ideas, where artists from various disciplines can come together to explore the intersections of media, technology, and art. We aim to empower artists to push boundaries and create groundbreaking work that resonates with both our community and the wider world.

Ideal Candidates

We seek artists who are:

What We Offer

  1. Dedicated Residency Period: Each residency lasts one month, providing artists with focused time to dive deep into their projects.
  2. Creative Freedom: Artists are encouraged to experiment and push the boundaries of their creative practice, whether it's through digital arts, photography, graphic design, or emerging media technologies.
  3. Community Engagement: Residents have the opportunity to engage with our vibrant community through workshops, Q&A sessions, live streams, and more, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas and skills.
  4. Resource Access: We provide access to a range of tools and resources, including advanced software, online platforms, and a network of industry professionals and mentors.
  5. Showcasing Work: Each residency culminates in a showcase, where artists present their work, sharing their journey and outcomes with the community and invited guests.