July 11, 2016

Features & Improvements

  • Notion Pro plan going live. 🎉
    Starting today, we are charging for teams larger than 3. Learn more about our Pro plan here, or click the "Upgrade" button on the top of one of your pages.
    This is a big change. Message us if you bump into any issues!

  • A sidebar designed for your knowledge base.
    The sidebar now shows you the sections inside of a page, making it easy to quickly scan and find the content you need. It will also remember the open/close state for pages at the top level.

  • A more lightweight editing experience.

    To make Notion feel more like a normal word processor, we removed the hover halo, and added custom text cursors to remind you that you can highlight text and drag blocks – at the same time.
    (Building a good editor is tricky. We would love to hear your feedback on this change! 👂)

  • Friendly reminder to add a page to your sidebar.
    When you share a brand new page or knowledge base with your teammates, we'll remind them to add it to their sidebar.

  • Mac app remembers its windows size.
    The Mac app now remembers its last window size and position.

  • Better Code block. 💾
    The Code Block now remembers the last language you set. We also added support for PHP and SQL.

Bug Fixes

  • Search with quotation marks.
    Before, search sometimes didn't bring up results with quotation marks.

  • Slack integration in the Mac app.
    Before, Slack integration was broken in the Mac app.

  • Slowness with very large paragraphs.
    We made the app much faster when dealing with large paragraphs.

  • Message Us button.
    We use "Intercom" for support messages, and it's frequently blocked by some of the browser plugins. We will remind you to unblock it. 😓

  • Typing Chinese characters. 🇨🇳🇹🇼🇭🇰
    Before when you typed Chinese characters into an empty text block, you would still see the "Type '/'..." prompt.

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