$Search: dynamic type

Technically speaking, an empty interface (interface{}) is an interface with no methods.

What follows from that is that every type conforms to interface{}.

In practice, empty interface is Go’s version of object type in Java or C# in that it combines a type and its value.

Empty interface is effectively a dynamic type in a static language.

Empty interface is also a way to implement union types in Go.

Since every type conforms to interface{}, you can assign any value to a variable of interface{} type.

At that point, you can no longer tell what is the real type at compile time.

Zero value of empty interface is nil.

Basic example:


At compile time, when you have a variable whose type is interface (including empty interface) you don’t know what is the real, underlying type.

You can access underlying type at runtime using type assertion.


Type assertion

Type assertion allows you to check if empty interface value is of a given type.

For completness, you can use short version of type switch: v := iv.(int) (vs. v, ok := iv.(int)).

The difference is that the short version will panic if iv is not of the asserted type:
