Git - First-Time Git Setup


Cheat Sheets

Git Commands


Git Bash

Git Histories

Git Submodules

Git Commiting

Git Rebasing

Git Showing

Git Differentials

Git Merging

Git Log

Git Case-Sensitivity

Quick Commands

Quick Cheatsheets

Git Cheat sheet

Git Cheatsheet Alassain


Git Bash is a command-line interface for Windows that provides users with a Unix-like shell experience. It allows users to execute Git commands and also provides a number of Unix commands commonly used in Linux and Mac OS X environments. Git Bash can be used as an alternative to the Windows Command Prompt or PowerShell when working with Git repositories or performing other tasks that require a Unix-style shell.


Git Bash is a command-line interface that allows you to interact with the Git version control system on Windows. Below is a list of commonly used Git Bash commands along with brief explanations of what each command does:

  1. git init: Explanation: Initializes a new Git repository in the current directory, creating a new .git directory that will store the version history and configuration.
  2. git clone [repository_url]: Explanation: Creates a copy of a remote Git repository on your local machine. The [repository_url] should be the URL of the remote repository you want to clone.
  3. git add [file(s)]: Explanation: Adds the specified file(s) to the staging area, preparing them for the next commit. You can use wildcards (e.g., git add . to add all files).