Hey everyone,

Eric here. I hope you're all doing well out there.

First, I want to share that our Indiegogo campaign is now live as well as our latest interview with Holochain, which you can watch here. This marks one of the most pivotal moments for Junto and I'd be grateful if you took a look and considered supporting us :)

We've sorted out some exciting development priorities for the centralized beta and the Holochain MVP, so you can check it all out there...


Holochain Interview:

I also want to take this moment to be a little bit vulnerable with you all and share something that's been on my mind this week.

Until now, I've held myself back in fully expressing the vision I see for this project and why I've committed myself to it. I think a lot of it has had to do with being afraid of making Junto inaccessible to all walks of life. To some, where I'm coming from could be perceived as naive, charged with activism, and even dogmatic.

I feel called to be more unapologetic about this now given the circumstances we face today and simply because I want to be open about who I am. I speak for myself and myself alone.

The inspiration for Junto came from the desire to transform the extractive systems we face in our lives. As I began to pay attention to the solutions being presented across various issues, I couldn't ignore feeling that none of it truly mattered until we fundamentally began to recognize our interdependency with our environments and with each other.