Scanning the world in 3D with photogrammetry

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Download the Polycam app on your phone and create an account.

You will also need an object to scan! Something that’s not transparent or reflective will work best. For example, a book, a wallet, your house keys.

  1. Follow these short videos to learn how to scan an object (subtitled, you don’t need audio)
  2. Log into to your Polycam account on your laptop, and you should see your model after it’s finished processing — click export and choose the GLTF format and it’ll download a .glb file
  3. Open Model Viewer Editor and drag your GLTF file onto it to upload — you can then tweak various settings
  4. Next, create a basic v file, firstly you’ll need to install a text editor, such as Visual Studio Code
  5. Create a new folder for your page and move your GLTF file there