Why I left my former companies 退職理由

Wargaming Japan

I wanted to travel around the world for a year and to learn new knowledge and to gain new experiences. I planned to do it before I joined Wargaming actually, but because of the job offer from Wargaming, I delayed my plan.


C Channel

I joined C Channel to build marketing strategy for their overseas markets, later I was mainly responsible for marketing in Chinese market, since it became the most promising market for the company. However, about one and half years after I joined, the company changed their strategy, they decided to stop all the marketing activities in China and several other oversea markets since they believed the result was already good enough, there's no reason to put more resources into it. Although I believed China had the potential to become a market even bigger than Japan. But the decision was final and there was no way I could change it. So after this decision was made, they put me into the sales team, I still stayed for half a year but it's just not really what I wanted to do. So I started to make the plan about traveling overseas at the time, but soon I got an offer from Wargaming.

海外マーケット担当としてC Channelに入社しまして、その後中国が最も可能性の大きいマーケットになったので中国マーケットをメインに担当しておりました。しかし、入社して約一年間半後、会社が海外マーケットに関する戦略が急に変わりました。自分がメインに担当してた中国マーケットが絶好調に成長していたにもかかわらず、中国を含むいくつかの海外マーケットのマーケティング活動を全部停止されることになりました。理由としては、ソーシャルメディアのフォロワー数が動画内スポンサー広告の販売のために必要以上に十分でしたからです。その後、営業チームに移動されて海外の営業を担当しておりましたが、結局やっていたことは自分のキャリアプランに大きく乖離しました。その頃から一年間海外旅行しながら新しい知識や経験を学ぼうというプランを頭の中に立てました。しかし、プランを実行した前にウォーゲーミングジャパンからオファーをもらいました。


I gained a lot of great knowledge and experience about digital marketing in DeNA. But after 2 years of working there, I found my career seemed to become stagnant, I was seeking ways to keep growing myself but most of the work I did in the company was repetitive, things I was already good at. I managed to change departments inside of the company once so that I can gain new knowledge and experience but the opportunities of taking my career to the next stage seemed very unlikely. (All the group leaders are Japanese male despite the fact that the company had more than 1500 employees.) So I decided to quit the job and to join an MBA program.



It's an awesome marketing research company to work forever if someone is really into marketing research and only wants to do marketing research in their whole life, which could be a good career choice, but it's not my career choice. To me, marketing research was only part of the marketing, and I was always more into business, curious to get to know the outside world. Except for that, marketing research in Japan in general is not really a well paid industry. So I learned just enough about marketing research to take my career to the next level. A year later I met DeNA, they offered me almost double of the salary so of course I took the offer. So quitting Ipsos was more about career development.

Ipsosはとても立派なマーケティングリサーチ会社で、自分もおかげでマーケティングリサーチのみならず、マーケティングに関していろんな知識を経験を得ました。しかし、生涯マーケティングリサーチャーとして働きたいと思わない限り、この業界で少し長くいたらマーケティングリサーチ以外のキャリアオプションがなくなりす。自分としては、マーケティングリサーチはあくまでもマーケティング活動の一部(非常に重要な一部ですが)、マーケティングリサーチよりビジネス及びもっと広い分野でのマーケティングに強く興味を持っていました。それ以外は、リサーチ業界の給料が正直あまりよくありません。 ということで、次のキャリアに十分なマーケティングリサーチに関する知識、経験を得た後にIpsosをやめ、DeNAにジョインしました。ちなみに、DeNAはその頃ほぼ2倍の年収をオファーしてくださいました。Ipsosに勤めていた一年間ずっとマイナス貯金の自分にとっては次のキャリアの可能性を提供してくれただけではなく、命の恩人と言っても過言ではないかもしれません(笑)。


The company was invested by Panasonic, hired me from China for the purpose of developing the Chinese market for their business with my supervisor who formerly worked as a consultant in BCG. However, only 1 year after I was hired, in 2012, Panasonic got some serious financial problems. So they decided not to invest in this business anymore, and as for Igrid Solutions, they didn't have enough money to support the business development in China. Therefore the project ended abruptly and they forced my supervisor to leave right away (since he was very expensive), as for me, they were nice enough not to fire me right away but suggested that I should find a new job. So I didn't really have a choice, but after one year of hard work and studying about data analysis and marketing, after a short break, I successfully landed a job in Ipsos, which opened my career path in marketing!

パナソニックさんに投資されたプロジェクト(中国マーケット開拓)のため中国から私を採用しました。しかし、入社1年後の2012年にパナソニックさんが大きな財務問題に遭遇したため、中国プロジェクトの投資を止むを得ず中止されました。IGRID SOLUTIONS社自身が海外プロジェクトに投資する余裕がなかったため、同じチームのBCG出身の上司がすぐ辞めされられました(給料が高いからです)。私に数ヶ月の余裕を与えてくれましたが、なるべく早く仕事を探してくださいと言われました。本当に今まで唯一選択肢が全くなかった状況でしたが、一年間努力し、データ分析やマーケティングについていろいろ知識を得たお陰でしばらく休んだ後にIposからオファーをもらい、マーケティング分野に入りました!

My experience during 2020 |2020年の経験

<aside> 👩🏻‍💻 I took a break in my career so I can improve myself in a much more efficient way, to prepare a better and new starting position in my life.
