The Jolocom SDK will expose a WebSocket channel, via which JSON-RPC request / responses can be exchanged.

At this stage, 3 types of RPC requests are defined, 2 for initiating interactions (i.e. credential issuance and credential requests, and 1 for processing responses sent by the Wallet.). The examples below show how these message types can be used to issue a new credential, and to request a credential from the Wallet.

Examples for a complete flow

Issuing a new credential

The following request is made to the Jolocom SDK (by sending the JSON structure via the websocket connection exposed by the SDK):

  "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
  "method": "initiateCredentialOffer", 
  "params": {
    "callbackURL": "<>", // This endpoint to which the Wallet will send the response
    "offeredCredentials": [{
      "type": "ProofOfEventOrganizerRoleCredential",
    "claimData": [{
			"type": "ProofOfEventOrganizerRoleCredential",
      "claims": {
        "name": "Joe",
				"surname": "Tester",
        "email": "[email protected]"
  "id": 402131 // used to correlate response, randomly generated by the caller

The Jolocom SDK will send the following RPC response:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
  "result": {
		"interactionId": "aaaccc" // The identifier for the interaction, unique for the entire interaction
    "interactionToken": "eYJ...." // The credential offer assembled and signed by the SDK
  "id": 402131 // same ID as in the request, can be used to match to the request in async use cases

At this point, the contents of the interactionToken property can be passed to the Jolocom SmartWallet. This can be done either by encoding the token as a QR code, or by formatting it as a deep link.

Once the wallet receives the request, the user will be prompted to accept the credentials. If they accept, the wallet will send a POST request to the endpoint listed as the callbackURL. The exact contents of the POST body are:

{ "token": "eYJ..."}

The Jolocom SDK can be called with the token as follows:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
  "method": "processInteractionToken", 
  "params": {
    "interactionToken": "eYJ..." // The token that was posted by the SmartWallet
  "id": 578324 // can be used to match to the request in async use cases

At this stage, the SDK will return the following: