API Platform


rest-hapi ยท A RESTful API generator


Hasura | Instant GraphQL APIs for your data | Join data across databases, GraphQL & REST services to build powerful modern applications

Graphile | Powerful, Extensible and Performant GraphQL APIs Rapidly

PostgREST Documentation - PostgREST 7.0.1 documentation

Build internal tools, remarkably fast.

The Open Source Firebase Alternative | Supabase

Nhost: The Open Source Firebase Alternative with GraphQL.

Platformatic Open Source Software | Platformatic Open Source Software

Feathers - A framework for real-time applications and REST APIs

Frameworks built on Express


GraphQL & REST API for your database

DreamFactory API management

Kong: The Cloud Connectivity Company for APIs & Microservices

Tyk - API Gateway, API Management Platform, Portal & Analytics