Jun 6, 2017

Features & Improvements

  • Quick Find ⚡️
    Quickly jump to pages and blocks without lifting your fingers from your keyboard! Just hit Command/Ctrl + / (or Command/Ctrl + P), type the name of the page or block, hit enter, and Notion will take you right there!

  • Revamped Search 🔍
    We completely revamped our search algorithm. It's now faster with way more accurate results.
    It's still a work in progress, so message us in the app if you couldn't find what you were looking for, and we can tweak the algorithm.

  • New Team & Personal Welcome Page 👋
    We updated our welcome page to be prettier and more inviting. It will now show your team's icon as well.

Bug Fixes

  • Emoji in the Mac app
    Sometimes typing emojis in the Mac app would cause weird characters to appear.

  • Creating a new page offline
    We fixed a bug where creating a new page in the Mac app when offline didn't work.

  • Duplicate spaces in your sidebar
    Previously, it was possible in some cases to see a duplicate space.

  • Undo in discussions
    Before, you could undo inside of a discussion. Pretty cool, but not exactly what you would expect 😂

  • Drag and drop images into a block
    Sometimes, you couldn't drag an image from your desktop directly below the currently selected block.
