I’ve been thinking about interfaces a lot.

It’s kind of a huge topic. Where do we start on this one?

Maybe with “why” I’ve been thinking about interfaces.

I think it was because I was thinking about how people talk with each other.

Sometimes, we just talk, and we don’t know what we’re talking about. What we’re trying to accomplish in a conversation. What game we are playing.

It’s perfectly reasonable to be playing a game that isn’t outcome-oriented. We’re just sharing and shooting the shit! Nice!

Other times, there is a game at least one of us is playing. Somebody wants something. Then, it might be nice to declare the presence of the game, to give everybody a chance to play the same game.

The game is an interface.

This is a mighty big thing to put at the beginning of this article. Maybe move it towards the end and start with something simpler.