<aside> 💡 Here are some accountants and other professional service providers that startup founders have reported they had a good experience with.

If you end up working with any of these providers and have a good (or bad) experience, please let everyone else know about it in the Slack.

We’ll attempt to keep this list up to date by adding more good recommendations and culling the bad.

If you’ve had a good experience with an accountant please recommend them here: 👉 https://tally.so/r/wbqNoL



Didn’t find what you’re looking for here? Here are some other websites that might help. We do not specifically endorse any of the websites in this list or their recommendations:


Okay, that’s a really short list. Please let me know if you’re aware of other good accountants, lawyers, bookkeepers, or directories thereof so that we can expand this resource.

Submit your recommendation here 👉 https://tally.so/r/wbqNoL

And/or DM me in the Indie Worldwide Slack.