
First Class: 27 Aug 2018 (Mon) at 1/001.

Class Timings: 10AM to 11AM on Mondays and Thursdays at 7/208.

Lab Timings: 2PM to 4PM on Mondays, at 7/108 and 7/109.

Office Hours with TAs: TBA

⭐️ The classes of ES112 will take place in 1/001.

Email for queries: [email protected] - please use this email so I can quickly prioritize emails pertaining to the course.


Please watch this space for announcements - they will all be made on the page linked to below. Very few emails are sent, so please check this place for notifications.


Since the start of class, all announcements are made in the Zulip chatroom for the course. Please make sure to subscribe the the #announce channel therein.

Schedule of Lectures & References

The pages below have the detailed schedule of lectures and labs. Each lecture has a link to the slides, while you can download the problem sets for the individual labs as well.

Schedule of Lectures

Schedule of Labs


Grading Policy


*Please note that you are permitted to bring along a print out of the official cheatsheet for the theory quizzes and the written exams. For the lab quizzes, you can use the builtin help function in python, but you will not have access to the internet.

Course Management