Effective Date: 20th June, 2022

With  this  privacy  policy  we,  Yauhen Marchukevich, 00-810 Poland, Warsaw,  hereinafter  referred  to  as  the  “the Company”  would  like  to  inform  you  about  our  use  of  personal  data.  We  realize  the importance of protecting the personal data of the user and therefore adhere to the applicable data protection laws.

By creating your account in our mobile application or using  it without registered account as well as using the Company’s site by any means, You confirm that You accept these Privacy Policy and that You agree to comply with them.

1. Controller / Contact

The controller within the meaning of the data protection laws is Yauhen Marchukevich, 00-810 Poland, Warsaw. If you have questions or proposals pertaining to data protection, you may also contact us via email at [email protected]

2. Definition

Personal data means any information concerning the personal or material circumstances of

an identified or identifiable individual. This includes information such as your name, your

address, IP-address, your phone number and your email address.

3. Personal data that the Company processes

3.1. Data You Provide to Us

We may collect different data from or about you depending on how you use the Services.

Below are some examples to help you better understand the data we collect.

Account Data

The Company collects and processes several types of personal data, all depending on the situation. Examples of such personal data are e-mail addresses, IP-addresses, or other information that  you  provide  within  the  framework  of   the  Company’s service.

Payment Data

If  you  order  services  or  make  purchases  via  Company’s website, we collect certain data about your purchase (such as your e-mail address and IP-address) as  necessary to process your order. You must provide certain payment and billing data directly to our payment service providers, including your name, credit  card  information,  billing  address,  and  ZIP  code  (if applicable). We may also receive limited information, like the fact that you have a new card and the last four digits of that card, from payment service providers to facilitate payments.

For  security,  Company  does  not  collect  or  store  sensitive 2 cardholder  data,  such  as  full  credit  card  numbers  or  card authentication data.

Communications and Support