RIKEN iTHEMS holds a workshop on graph theory on 2023/Nov/13-14.

Aim 👀

In sciences, graph structure shows up here and there. We use graphs to describe the life cycle of organisms. Interaction between organisms is another example. Graphs can describe stochastic transitions among physical states. More formally, the graph is an essential class of representation of mathematical objects. Many engineering problems have to do with graphs. We always see some graphs when doing science, which makes me believe that further advances in our own fields can benefit from interactions among researchers from a variety of fields.

In this workshop, we aim to facilitate interactions with each other on mathematics, physics, biology, and any applied sciences from a common perspective of graph theory.

Venue ⛪

Main Research Building, room 研究本館 435-437号室. RIKEN, Wako campus (〒351-0198 Saitama, Wako, Hirosawa 2-1),

Invited speakers 👭

(click to jump for speakers’ websites)

Registration 🗃

Please complete this form by October 20th (5 pm).

Program 📆

Look at this page for abstracts.

▶ Nov/13(Monday)