Complete Documentation

Getting Started


First I turned on ESP32 and started to develop a concept for the project. The concept development is on this page:

iOT Projekt Idea

First Test

After the first stage, I went in search of learning more about programming C++ and I tested some basic led actions

iOT project development

Second Test

After the first tests, I started a more complex test. I wanted to try through a button to light a led and after it was pressed again and the next led would light and so on. For this, I needed to use the switch function so that each led was identified individually and had an independent behavior.

#define button 15                                //Push button on 15
#define redLED 16                                //red led on 16
#define greenLED 17                              //green led on 17
#define yellowLED 18                             //yellow led on 18

int state = 0;                                  //current state
int old = 0;                                    //last state
int buttonPoll = 0;                             //button state

void setup () {

  pinMode(button, INPUT);                       //button as input
  pinMode(redLED, OUTPUT);                      //LEDs as output
  pinMode(greenLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(yellowLED, OUTPUT);
  //Serial.println("Finish Mode");
  digitalWrite(yellowLED, LOW);

void loop(){

                                              //debouncing routine
buttonPoll = digitalRead(button);
if (buttonPoll == 1){                         //check if it has been pressed
  delay(50);                                  //wait 50ms
  buttonPoll = digitalRead (button);          //poll button again
  if(buttonPoll == 0){                        //if it is 0 considered one press
    Serial.println("Button Pressed!");
    state = old + 1;                          //increase state by 1
else{                                         //if button has not been pressed
  delay(100);                                 //wait 100ms
 switch(state){                               //react to button press and state
  case 1:                                     //if state is 1
  digitalWrite (redLED,HIGH);                 //red LED on
  digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW);                //green LED off
  digitalWrite(yellowLED,LOW);                //yellow led off
  old = state;                                //set old state as current state
  case 2:
  digitalWrite (redLED,LOW);
  digitalWrite(greenLED, HIGH);
  old = state;                      
  case 3:
  digitalWrite (redLED,LOW);
  digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW);
  old = state;                      
  digitalWrite(redLED, LOW);                  //if state is not 1,2,3
  digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW);                //all LED off
  old = 0;                                    //reset to all off/state 0