Updated: September 3, 2020

Before speaking in or moderating a Session

  1. Ensure you're using an up-to-date version of Chrome or Firefox.

  2. Check to make sure Chrome has access to your Camera and Microphone. Mac setup video here and PC setup video here.

  3. Ensure you can access the following website domains to use Hopin (click to expand). You may have to check with your IT department if using a device or network provided by your employer.

    *.hopin.to *.tokbox.com *.pusher.com *.herokuapp.com *.mux.com *.twilio.com

  4. Check your browser's and network's compatibility with our streaming software here.

  5. Test your audio (best practice is to use ​headphones; this eliminates echos and background noise)

  6. Check your video; put camera at eye level (put books under computer if needed)

  7. Silence any distracting notifications on computer & phone (Do Not Disturb)

  8. Have a glass of water nearby

  9. Try not to move your device or rustle any papers while you are speaking

  10. Check out general Hopin troubleshooting tips here

Session limits

Depending on the number of Session speakers on screen, the number of attendees who can watch is adaptive:

1 speaker: 3000 viewers maximum

2 speakers: 1500 viewers maximum (this would include 1 speaker and 1 screenshare)

3 speakers: 1000 viewers maximum

4 speakers: 750 viewers maximum

5 speakers: 600 viewers maximum

10 speakers: 300 viewers maximum

20 speakers: 150 viewers maximum

There are three types of Sessions on Hopin

  1. Open Session: anyone inside the Session can go on-screen whenever they want by clicking the blue button that says "Share Audio and Video."


  2. Moderated Session: the event Organizer has pre-determined a moderator(s) who can go on-screen (share their audio/video) whenever they choose. Attendees can request to go on-screen by sharing their audio/video, but they must be approved by a moderator to be brought on-screen.

    NB for Organizers: For Moderated Sessions, the moderator needs to be added under both the "Who can Watch" area as well as the "Who can Participate" area in your Event Dashboard.

    Moderator Views

    Moderators see a blue button that says "Share Audio and Video." Moderators can go on-screen at any time by clicking this button.


    Moderators see a "Moderation Panel" at the bottom left of their screen. When an attendee requests to go on-screen, their name and profile picture appear under the Moderation Panel.


    The moderator can hover over the profile picture of an attendee they would like to add on-screen and click the "+" sign to add that attendee on-screen.


    Attendee view

    Attendees (non-moderators) see a blue button that says "Ask to Share Audio and Video." They must click this button to be added to the queue for moderators to then add attendees on-screen.
