Which plans is the Hopin<>Marketo integration available on?

The Marketo integration is available on Pro, Business and Enterprise plans.

What are the capabilities of the Hopin<>Marketo integration?

Hopin's integration with Marketo supports the following workflows:

  1. Pulling registrations from Marketo to Hopin, and pushing magic links back to Marketo.
  2. Pushing 'attended' status to Marketo as a custom activity ('attended' is defined as a registrant that shows up at the event between the starting and ending time of the event).
  3. Pushing registrations to Marketo as a custom activity.

Integration guide

All of the above capabilities are available in the steps that follow, if you do not wish to use one of those capabilities, you can leave that configuration screen empty and move to the next screen.

There are three key parts to setting up the Marketo integration:

Configuring the integration in Hopin

  1. Login to your Hopin account, choose the relevant organisation in the left-hand menu, and select the 'Integrations' tab:


  2. Scroll to the Marketo integration and click the 'Connect' button


  3. A window will pop up and ask you to create a new Marketo authentication:


  4. To authorize your Marketo instance, you'll need the Marketo API endpoint domain, client id and client secret.

    To get the API endpoint domain, in Marketo go to Admin > Web Services and copy the Rest API endpoint, but do not include the 'rest' part at the end of the URL.

    To get the client id and client secret, you'll need to have an API role and user on your Marketo instance, and create an Installed Service in Launchpoint. The docs for doing that are here. If you already have an API user and installed service, you can find the client id and client secret at Admin > Launchpoint > View Details.

    The API user will need to have access to the following permissions for the integration to be set up:




  5. Once you've authenticated your Marketo instance, click 'Next':


    Export (push) registrations from Hopin to Marketo