Rest API and webhooks

Teams using HiPeople for assessing applicants can access, process, and integrate their data hosted by HiPeople’s infrastructure. This document will go over the basics of accessing HiPeople via its Rest API, and listen for updates on the data via webhooks, in order to build links between HiPeople and other complimentary products and platforms your organization uses.

Getting Started

A pair of public and a secret key is used for accessing the HiPeople API.

To generate those keys, you can use this endpoint that will exchange a user bearer token with the needed public and secret key; one thing to know is that the new credentials will point to the user that requested them, so they will have the same permission level of the original user;

curl --request PUT \\
  --url <> \\
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer #put-here-your-amazing-token#' \\
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Once you have one, you can authenticate HTTP requests to the rest API using the having them in the request headers;

"X-API-Key": {Public Key}
"X-API-Secret": {Secret Key}

Here is how an example cURL request would look like;

curl '<>' \\
	-H 'Accept: application/json' \\
	-H 'X-API-Key: xyz' \\
	-H 'X-API-Secret: qrst'

This document will use the HTTPIE notation for simplicity. Here is how the same request would look like in the HTTPIE notation;

http GET '<>' 'X-API-Key:xyz' 'X-API-Secret:qrst'

Accessing Job Roles

A simple way to get a list of job roles in your organization would look like this;

http GET '<>' 'X-API-Key:xyz' 'X-API-Secret:qrst'