Hello there! My name is Emmy Wyatt, and I'm a UX/UI designer, design strategist, and passionate about digital marketing.

Over the past few years, the focus of my work has been assisting small, rural businesses and nonprofits elevate their brand design and strategy, creating beautiful communication that is clear and sustainable. In my research, I have focused on the UN Sustainable Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), and 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure).

When I'm not working at Mount Royal University, I can be found with a coffee in my hand, exploring local Calgary shops, or tending to my plants and cats.

contact information 📱

✉️ email

📱 instagram

🔗 linkedin


education 👩🏻‍🎓

Bachelor of Communications — Information Design

Mount Royal University | Calgary | 2017-2021

3.92 GPA

Graduation: April 2021

Community Service Learning (CSL) citation

work experience 👩🏻‍💻