We currently have more than 900 experts in our network, and we usually host 4 of them each day to do Office Hours on a variety of topics.

🧨 Who are We?

We love to say we are a startup of startups. Born in 2007, the Incubateur HEC Paris came from 0€ to 3M+€ turnover, 6 to 300+ supported startups each year, 20% to 6% selection rate... and it's only the beginning!


Here is what you'll learn about us in this section:

🔥 Our Mission & Ambition

🔭 Our Value Proposition

💯 Our Numbers

🌱 Our Methodology

Who Are We?

🦄 We know Them

Our beloved startups are the ones we fight for. Our mission is to help them grow and be the next generation of hiring companies...

Here is what you'll learn about our startups in this section:

🙏 Startups Needs

🚀 A list of our startups

We Know Them


👩‍🚀 Our Experts

We love our experts because they give a lot (everything?) to help our startups grow...


Here is what you'll learn about our startups in this section:

🗻 Types of Expertise

🕰 Experts Office Hours

🎁 How our Experts Benefit

🚫 What Experts Don't Do

Our Experts

💪 Ready to Join our Community?

If you have read our description and feel that you would fit in, share your contact details below:

Let's have a chat!

See you soon…