First, the host needs to send out invites, utilizing our weekly open DAO Ops email list to invite attendees:

<aside> 📄 ****


There should be one key speaker from each team:

Start recording ⏺ (Full webinar)


Welcome DAOists, Harmonauts, and DAO tooling enthusiasts! On this call, we are going to dive in and demonstrate the use cases of _____, a new DAO tool that we have integrated into the Harmony DAO ecosystem. **Without further adieu, please welcome the _____ team as they demonstrate how this tool can benefit DAOs within the Harmony ecosystem.

  1. Start with short intros:
  1. What is the DAO tool?

  2. Have the team provide a brief overview of the tool to the viewers

  3. DAO tool presenter begins the demonstration (Visually demonstrate functionalities)

  4. If applicable, show a specific example of how a DAO can use this tool (Such as Ambassador DAO, ie onboarding ambassadors)

  5. Questions for the DAO tool team:

  6. Why would an individual in a DAO want to use this tool?

  7. What are the top use cases of this tool?

  8. How do you feel that this tool can benefit the Harmony DAO ecosystem?

  9. What overall vision does your team have for the Web3 space? What is the ideal impact you wish to have?

  10. Lastly, what does onboarding look like for a DAO? What is the first step?

  11. To people watching:

    1. What are some things you wish to see from this DAO tool?

    2. Conclude the call by linking out to resources & encouraging use of the tool

    1. Invite attendees to our bi-weekly DAOnload & weekly open DAO ops call

    External resources:

    4. (Twitter, DM if you’d like to join our weekly open DAO Ops call)
    5. Discord link

🛑 Stop recording. Demo ends here.

  1. Create video graphic for YouTube (with the help of Eilam)
  2. Put intro & outro animation on video (with the help of Wanhi)
  3. Compose description
  4. Post video to Harmony YouTube

The purpose of this video will be to onboard Harmony employees & DAOists (speaking to an individual) so we can have scalable onboarding and hiring practices throughout our community.