<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/12adb086-db36-4d13-a8d5-029de1c2c328/png_eu-min.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/12adb086-db36-4d13-a8d5-029de1c2c328/png_eu-min.png" width="40px" /> Hi! I’ve made this tutorial to break down each essential part of my template. Hope you enjoy it! ❤️





1 Cycles

  1. Define a new cycle on the Cycles page. Put a title and the date range (Start and End). A cycle can be weekly, biweekly, etc. Work with it's best for you😎. You can know more about cycles here.

  2. In the property 'Parameters' you can change the value which can represent if it was a really good cycle. E.g.: in my case when I complete 75% of the planned habits for a cycle, I see it as a successful cycle. I choose this parameter because life most of the time is not like we plan, but I want to be kind with my progress :) and not only be happy with 100% check. So in the formula (see the image below) you can change the messages and the .75 value to another based on whats you prefer.


2 Habits

Add or edit the habits in the database. Turn the 'Status' off when not tracking a habit right now, but maybe will track it again in the future.


3 Planner

3.1 Templates

  1. Edit the templates for the habits that you'll plan. In the template put the properties 'Habit (Relation)' and 'Habit' to match with the title.



3.2 Calendar

After setting your cycle, templates, and habits you can start planning. Your planning can be very flexible, you can plan your habits at the beginning of a cycle, once a week or even daily!

  1. In the calendar add a new habit in a day, and select a template.


  1. Select a cycle.