THE GEMS (💎 x 9)

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<aside> 💎 #1: Organic uplift is mostly recognized hours/days after a paid download, but may be recognized weeks to months later (e.g. brand awareness, referrals, outside of conversion window, etc.). @03:52


<aside> 💎 #2: There are two types of organic uplift: user-level organic uplift (brand searches: delayed download, new device download, word of mouth after ad) and ecosystem organic uplift (helping for non-brand keywords - to some extent - as a result of ads, improving rank in top charts, listed as recommended app, brand awareness). Check out this slide. @05:11


<aside> 💎 #3: There is no one good algorithm to use to model organic uplift, so you have to decide by balancing complexity and interpretability. @09:39


<aside> 💎 #4: To model organic uplift start with a method that is not very complex and with high interpretability. Then you can go towards more complexity (if needed). @12:02


<aside> 💎 #5: As an ASO marketer, work with your paid UA team to determine the best budget allocation based on which markets see the best organic uplift outcomes. Example: you can't make top 3 rank in the US, but you might be able to in Canada. @14:28


<aside> 💎 #6: For a new launch and in the context of organic uplift, drive a lot of downloads out of the gate for the first 7 days when you have higher visibility to demonstrate good download velocity. Try to understand the relationship between organic and paid. @17:13


<aside> 💎 #7: Your organic uplift changes over time depending where you are in your app's lifecycle. Furthermore, the organic uplift (and user value!) that you had pre-covid is not applicable anymore. There may be a new "normal". @18:40


<aside> 💎 #8: Driving downloads in the pre-order stage can still get you a good kick-start but Apple adjusted it. It is not as strong as it used to be (and Apple continues to adjust) so don't rely on pre-orders to get you to the top of the charts: do what you can at the pre-order stage but focus on when the app is actually launched. @19:49


<aside> 💎 #9: Use App Store Connect data (App Store Search and App Store Browse) when assessing organic uplift because ASO is highly based on download velocity and App Store Connect counts downloads while MMP counts first open. Plus, MMP organic is a catch-all and counting everything that you can not track. @21:23


<aside> 💎 #10: If you've made a change to your metadata or screenshot that led to a significant change in conversion rate, it can change your organic uplift co-efficient. You should wait at least 30 days of this "new normal" (but ideally 60-90) before you measure organic uplift again. @23:25


<aside> 💎 #11: If you want to really test and understand organic uplift, look at a country/market that has a lower baseline where there is not a lot of activity to see what happens when you increase your paid acquisition significantly. Example: UK or Scandinavian instead of US. @26:55


<aside> 💎 #12: More download velocity in general (regardless of it coming from ASA or another channel) can improve your organic ranks but uplifts can be different per channel. In ASA (and UAC!) you also have to consider cannibalization for keywords (when you're ranking #1 or #2 especially) which can decrease the uplift that you might be getting. @29:33


<aside> 💎 #13: If you've gone into a category where competition is lower then organic uplift from advertising will give you a bigger boost there. So you have to figure out if it's better than a lower boost in a more competitive category. @33:15
