👋 AI-powered Hair Health & Growth Analysis!

Quick pitch:

This isn't just the next big thing; it's a game changer for salons & stylists!

This revolutionary AI-powered device is not only a golden opportunity to make a difference in your clients' lives addressing their deepest hair concerns but you're also skyrocketing your income! 📈💰

This next-gen device provides an eye-opening experience and charts a course to halt hair aging, thinning, shedding, or any degradation.

With the GroTrack experience, you craft confidence and turn every appointment into a moment of empowerment and hair-love, offering a service that not only wows your clients but also addresses their every concern, leaving them with fabulous, healthier hair and happier than ever before.

What is It Exactly?

GroTrack is an AI-powered, handheld marvel armed with a 32X magnification camera 📸 and high-powered LED lights. With just 4️⃣ simple photos, it unveils the secrets of your client's hair health – density, how much hair they lost since their peak and other unique traits. The device then works its magic 🪄, recommending tailored products or treatments through one automatic text message.

It's a futuristic experience that blends science with style.

Take only 3 close-up images and 1 wide shot and done. It takes less than 2 minutes.

Take only 3 close-up images and 1 wide shot and done. It takes less than 2 minutes.

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using device - jo.HEIC

Here are the basics:

Problem & Opportunity

Clients go through this, we know you know!

With GroTrack, your opportunity is to recognize, discuss and help them address their issues and concerns early, and transform your salon into a hub of solutions. 👩🏽‍🔬

Size of the value to clients

This unique device and service is a great advertisement for your services. It ensures frequent rebookings and stellar *endorsements.*🏅
