As companies grow, so does the amount of chaos. Most companies try to manage this chaos by imposing policies. These policies inevitably impose an operational and creative burden on the company's employees. This causes the most autonomous and innovative employees to leave.

We don't want this to happen.

We can't get rid of all of our policies - particularly when it comes to things like risk, compliance, or dangerous ethical/legal areas. However, for most ordinary things that companies have policies for - expense reimbursement, working from home, etc - we prefer to use frameworks over policies.

To be clear about what that means - a policy tells you what to do. A framework tells you how to solve problems. By emphasising frameworks over policies, we're showing that we'd rather give you a general guideline on what outcomes we want to achieve and leave it up to you to figure out how to best accomplish them.

Unless something has "policy" in the title, assume it's a framework.

The two conditions

Our bias towards frameworks means everyone at the company is, by default, empowered with great trust and responsibility. That trust and responsibility is conditional - we require you to:

  1. Use your best judgement
  2. Act in the interests of the company

Failing to adhere to the two conditions can result in a loss of the freedoms employees at Griffin enjoy by default.