<aside> 💟 Welcome to Gretel’s Buyer Persona Template!

We understand how important it is to make sure your team is aligned. This Buyer Persona Template will help you and your team level up your customer targeting skills.

What’s a Buyer Persona? Buyer Personas are semi-fictional representations of your ideal customers. They are a MUST if you want to level up your marketing efforts, make the most of your resources, and align your team! Here, you will find some examples of buyer personas at Gretel. Feel free to modify the information and create your own! Let's get started.


Persona 1

<aside> 👉🏽 Next Steps:

Now you have your Buyer Personas, and are ready to align your messaging, tailor your content, and meet the specific needs and concerns of your target audience!

**Pair this with Gretel’s powerful Marketing Feed and level up your team’s campaign performance!*

Looking for more templates? Keep an eye on our articles.*
