<aside> ❕ “It is much easier to notice when something is working than to predict ahead of time if it will work.

Take action, make many small bets, and run lots of quick (but thoughtful) experiments.

Then, double-down on the winners." James Clear


⛹️ Join our Team

🧗 Join our Network

As one of the first hires, you'll be in charge of your area of the business, overseeing all necessary decisions from execution and results. Each leader is tasked with specific goals but given the freedom and tools to achieve them however they see fit.

There are no minimum requirements to join our team - we care about culture fit, entrepreneurial drive and people skills.

If you are someone with a strong drive to build something new, while tackling any obstacles in your way, and motivated by constantly learning and becoming better, the Green Team is for you.

We value working quickly and efficiently and have built a team across several countries and backgrounds. Diversity is important to our team and we are committed to having a remote element of smart people who are different in the same way.

Moreover, by working with Greenhouse you will be able to tap into our entire community of 100+ service providers, government bodies and VCs.

Join our team to transform an industry and create a great experience for startups expanding to fast-growth markets.

🌱 About Greenhouse

We're digitizing the corporate services industry to help fast growth startups and SMEs expand across greater Asia. Our platform uses data and technology to help business leaders procure services from qualified suppliers, within a secure and curated network. We function as your one-stop-shop to source services ranging from business registration, immigration, payroll, tax filing, registered business address, nominee directorship, and more... We're here to help you manage these processes more efficiently so you can focus on what matters most, your business.

🚀 Our Vision - What we aspire towards.

We accelerate globalization, for the greater good.