<aside> 👋 Are you a community moderator? Check out these resources and the Community Moderation Reports


At GoodDollar, we believe in community-powered everything.

As we continue our shared journey of decentralization and community building (hello, GoodDAO!) we are passing on the critical role of community moderation to you - the GoodDollar community.

Once the governance is agreed upon this Thursday, February 3, 2022 [read more here], the community will begin voting and selected the very trusted members around the world to build its own moderation team, taking over the responsibilities and accountabilities to effectively onboard, education and power new members to the GoodDollar ecosystem.

Are you a community builder and mentor, and excited to help onboard the next 100M users to DeFi? If this sounds like you, please reply to this thread with the following information:

Scope of Work:

We believe a first step to transfer power to the community is via community moderation, so we are opening an experiment to empower the community by assigning this budget from the GoodDAO with the proposed scope.

Our proposal means to pay for the operation of the moderation of the community channels and Social Media, including: