Ready to get some work done?

Work on your first task you have discussed in your 1on1. Ready, Set, Go?

Got more questions? First, check if our Notion wiki or your Onboarding Checklist can give you any answers. Otherwise, always approach your colleagues. Yes, they are busy too, but have been there as well and are happy to help!

Onboarding Workshop

Sit back and relax 🙂 The leadership will present you with an overview about Layer, our history, vision, values, product, roadmap and is here to answer all your questions.

Product demo

You are still in the cloud how our baby looks like? You can't imagine how many people working in organizations for years, even actively developing the product have difficulties to explain it to their friends when somebody asks you on a party. Everyone of us, no matter in which team your are should have a great sense for our product, explain it to their grandmother, be able to give valuable feedback and finally be a strong evangelist.

<aside> 🎬 Check our product demo video recording by our Founder Constantin


2nd 1on1 at the end of the week

Wow, time is flying? You hope you are excited and probably quite tired from this first intense week? Let's recap with your team lead, reflect the week and take a look into week 2.

Continue Exploring

Week 2