Last updated Sept 2023


The purpose of this document is to outline how Gitcoin will communicate with all of its stakeholders (both internal and external). This will help ensure that all those touching the Gitcoin ecosystem has the best understanding possible of what is happening and Gitcoin and about our plans for the future. If successful, this will help us:

Strategy Overview

What does stakeholder communications cover?

Most often, newsletters, team calls, private chat networks, and brainstorming or ideation sessions. Given the level of transparency within Gitcoin and the sheer amount of individuals to communicate with and information to digest, the conventional systems and tools that feed into stakeholder communications have been pushed to their limit. To explain:

This strategy will implement and embed processes to bring balance to the possession of information within the Gitcoin ecosystem. This will involve the ritualization of data gathering and sharing, leveraging a mix of synchronous and asynchronous communication.

Regular inform & feedback cycles ensure that all stakeholders feel connected and informed within the organization's ecosystem. It is also important to note that internal communication is a dynamic process that requires continuous refinement based on feedback and evolving organizational needs.
