
11/1 Update: We’ve updated the timeline and rules for submission - please see below!

The Gitcoin Grants Stack team is looking for community submissions for a product metrics dashboard, i.e. Dune Analytics dashboard, as well as feedback and ideation on what our Grants Stack product success, health, and North Star metrics might be. This is a contest RFP — multiple people can submit, and at least one winner will be chosen. The winner will be awarded a $2,000 USD-equivalent payment (100% in DAI). Gitcoin Grants Stack may choose to distribute more than just the winning prize depending on the quality of submissions.


Round Application: https://builder.gitcoin.co/#/chains/10/rounds/0xe4aa95abe791e9cd370cce1b672a3cd8d944f370



<aside> 💻 Grants Stack App Links:


<aside> ⛓️ Grants Stack App Links:


<aside> 🌱 Other Resources:


Grants Stack is seeking to fund the development of a data dashboard. The dashboard should include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following metrics:
