This doc represents an Outcome, or something that needs to be true to hit a strategic Goal. You can learn more about Outcomes in Backlogs and Roadmaps 101.



Why is this desired outcome potentially important to the business?


Now that the Grants 2.0 roadmap has been published, the Grants team would like to shift its energy to solving customer problems with new product releases instead of in the legacy cGrants code (which is slated to be retired). The benefits of this approach is that it enables us to take what we’ve learned from the cGrants platform to architect wholly new solutions, as well as saving us from having to unwind a large amount of tech debt that exists in the old code. The trade-off of this approach is that the team needs to make sure that the elements of the cGrants code that will need to be live through the end of Q1 2023 (the target for full cutover to Grants 2.0) are able to handle the load with minimal investment.

Core question

Which elements of the cGrants platform need work so that they can support the business targets and expected scale of the Grants program with minimal ongoing investment between now and the end of Q1 2023?

Research plan

In collaboration with key stakeholders (Grants Ops, FDD, and Support), the Grants team put together a rough forecast of program goals and growth over the next 4 grants rounds so that we could anchor needs to expectations. In addition, the Grants team confirmed with Leadership that the organization was comfortable using Grants 2.0 releases to support an ongoing innovation story instead of requiring that to come from cGrants improvements. With those goals in mind, we had a cross-functional group generate and prioritize a set of needs for the overall Grants product on a one-year time horizon.

After a prioritized list had been created, the GPC Grants team mapped the product needs against the expected timeline and components of the Grants 2.0 roadmap.

High-level timeline


High-level components